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Sound healing combined with body processes are holistic complementary therapies that activate the body’s innate ability to balance and heal-self. These energies unlock the tension resistance and dis-ease in the body by shifting  energy and changing dysfunction in the body on the cellular level. This technique has been utilized in various cultures for thousands of years as a tool for healing. By using rhythm and frequency, healers can help the patient downshift brainwaves from normal beta state (normal waking consciousness) to Alpha (relaxed consciousness), and even reach Theta (meditative state). People report that sound healing helps with sleep disorders, anxiety, depression, stress management, PTSD, pain management.

Tuning forks – calibrated tuning forks that if applied to specific points of the body will release tension and open blocked energy bringing emotional balance and pain relief. Tuning forks balance our energies and center us.

The Gaia Frequency Body Tuners -help align the body’s physical structure emitting the 7.83 frequency vibration directly into the physical body to relax, align and restore health to bone, nerve, lymph and surrounding body tissue. They stimulate the nerves and vibrate the body with deep grounding earth tones. This set of tuning forks works well when their frequencies are directed into specific acupuncture points, pressure points associated with various body therapies.
Pythagorean Tuning Forks (256hz&384hz)- create a great sense of calmness and tranquility. They balance the left and right hemispheres of the brain, reducing brain wave activity and inducing states of relaxation. In addition, many people feel they balance the auric field as well as releasing blocked energy. During the process our nervous system via the right and left brain hemispheres comes into balance. I use them before and after the healing sessions to calm and balance clients.
Chakra Balancing – Imbalances in the physical body can be detected through the chakras. Chakras are energy centers within the human body, that transform energy, giving you the ability to manifest your thoughts, beliefs and desires into physical existence. Balancing your chakras involves aligning and harmonizing the energy flow in all your chakras so negative feelings and thoughts, as well as physical ailments, are less likely to manifest. Chakra balancing brings energetic harmony, emotional stability, mental clarity, enhanced physical health, stress reduction, spiritual growth and better sleep. It is helpful to balance your chakras on regular basis to bring health, happiness and higher consciousness to you.