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Reiki is a Japanese technique that promotes healing, stress reduction and relaxation. In 1922 Mikau Usui Sensei rediscovered this gentle, yet potently expansive technique. Reiki has been practiced for thousands of years and originates from our very being, as well as the Universe around us. Energy can stagnate in the body where there has been physical injury or even emotional pain. In time, these energy blocks can cause illness or dis-ease. Reiki helps the flow of energy and remove blocks in a similar way to acupuncture or acupressure.
Reiki treats the whole person including body, emotions, mind and spirit creating many beneficial effects that include relaxation and feeling of peace, security and well being. Helps with anxiety, depression, boosts mood, may improve headaches , tension, insomnia and nausea symptoms.
Typical Reiki session involves an hour of meditative relaxation. All you need to do is close your eyes and surrender to the experience. During a therapy session, a client typically lies down on a massage table( fully clothed). Practitioner places her hands over (or directly on top) of the clients body in various positions, starting at the crown of the head(or feet ). Reiki energy flows through the practitioner, out of her hands to the client. The practitioner serves as a channel of universal life energy. It is common for clients to report sensations of hot or cold, tingling or itchy skin, or vibration coming from the practitioner’s hands as well as memories resurfacing or intense rush of emotions. Each person is different, so one or two of these things may happen or you won’t experience these until a few days  after your treatment. Reiki works on a subtle layer of your body and can take time to really take effect. 
The powerful healing practice of Reiki is a combination of technical knowledge, like the hand positioning and symbols, and the inner wisdom. Intention directs the flow of energy to a certain place. Reiki can be also done as a distance healing.